Thursday, February 19, 2009


 Classes started last Monday, and since this is my last semester of college, I decided to take the required English course I need and then pick and choose other random classes to take.  I was going to take Xhosa for Beginners but once I got here and started talking to the locals I realized that I can't even pronounce the name of the language, so I decided against it.  I should at least take Afrikaans, but because I'm lacking in the linguistics department, I've decided to try learning it from the locals and through the program Kline set up on my computer.  It's almost embarrassing to meet people who speak at least 2 and up to 7 languages, so I'm working on it.

I am taking Aquatic Ecology with a friend.  It meets 3x/week and we go on field trips on Fridays during lab time to study coral reefs, marine life, etc., around P.E. (or so I'm told.)

I'm also taking Modernism and Literature (which will finish out my English major.)

The class I'm most excited about is Community Service Learning.  There are several community service projects around town (in the townships and such,) and we have the opportunity to participate in one of those once a week.  My project is Homework Club, and others include Aids Haven (I absolutely hate that name,) Learn4Life, and a few others.  I'm not quite sure how many or how old the children will be at Homework Club, but I'll find out today at 2:30 p.m.   The coursework for this class consists of keeping a journal about what types of things I'm learning, what I need to learn, what my expectations are, etc.

NMMU does two terms per semester (9 weeks sort of classes,) but it's confusing since some courses last two terms and some only last one.  Other classes require that you take part 1 (Biology 211, for example) during term 1 and part 2 (Biology 212) during term 2, even if you only need Biology 212.  Anyway, Aquatic Ecology only lasts for term 1, and then I'll pick up Pre-Colonial African History and Philosophy for term 2.

Also, I just logged onto NMMU's website to make sure I had the course title correct for African History, and this poll came up on the school's homepage:

Sex on the first date?

__ Disgusting and wrong
__ So what?
__ Cool!

I didn't respond, in case you're wondering.


Joey said...

So what?

P.S. Fuck wordpress or whatever this is. It has taken me 3 tries to get the "Word Verification" box right. Maybe I am a robot after all.

Unknown said...

Hi Jessi, Great reading your latest blogs. Sounds like you're having a great time and learning lots. Love, Grandma and Grandpa

Mindy Rawls said...

I'm so glad everything is going well! And that I got to talk to you even if it was only for a few minutes. Call soon, yeah?

Melissa said...

Yay! Fun!!! so glad you're enjoying yourself!

Kline said...

Well it certainly sounds like NMMU is an awesome little educational institution judging by the class offerings and online polls. I know it takes some getting used to, but the "split" scheduling over on semester (that most universities in the world adhere to) is so much better, in my opinion. Because some courses carry over the whole term, do they not meet very often?? You should have plenty of time for travelling then!

I'm glad to hear that you're getting some use out of the Before You Know It software! That's how I began learning Dutch. Whenever you're around all of the multi-lingual folks, just remember, you speak the best language. The language of Jesus Christ. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me. ;-)